Here is the step-by-step guide to adding a Siren to your CamerEye account.
- Open the CamereEye App
- Click the hamburger menu button
- Select 'My Devices'
- Click on "+ Add Siren"
After you click on "+ Add Siren" you will need to manually enter the network name (SSID) and password of the same WiFi network that the Camera is connected to. If you do not use the same network, the siren will not work properly.
Next, you must leave the CamerEye app, connect to the Smartlife_XXXXX network in your phone's network settings and come back to the CamerEye app.
- Go into the Network Settings
- Look for the Smartlife_XXXXX network
- Connect and wait about 10-15 seconds to ensure the device stays connected
The Smartlife_XXXXX network will not provide an internet connection, so the user may receive a message stating that there is 'No Internet Connection.' This is perfectly normal though!
Once you've gotten connected to Smartlife_XXXXX, please navigate back to the CamerEye App and ensure the Siren's LED light is flashing blue, then hit 'Continue.' The siren will connect to your account as long as the WiFi Networks are the same.
(NOTE: if the siren isn't flashing please reset the siren)
After the device has been connected to your network and paired in the app, you will be able to see the device on the 'My Device' page from the Menu. From here, you can manage notifications and troubleshoot any connection issues the siren may run into.